Thursday, October 23, 2008
Robert peston(run on countries)bbc blogs
Robert Peston wrote on his blog about the run on countriesbecause some countries are feelingb the financial strain,in particular Iceland,Ukraine but he seemed more particular about South Korea that happens over the years to have been a strong economically viable country whose currency has taken a hit from the recent financial crisis,for some reason he feels that the UK is also ptentially at risk from the same malaise,the only difference is,as i would like to reassure mr Peston is that the Sterling was and still is one of the pillars that has put a steady bhand on this ongoing crisis thus i don,t see it going anywhere soon ,rather than that i see it actually by it,s stability helping to restore some sanity to the proceedings,thus no matter for concern Mr Peston things will be fine.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The street is back in stride
Well it seems like things are picking up again over at our favourite street,panic levels have died down,people are getting back to business,there are moves being made to ease the credit crunch,yep it sure looks like the sunny days are coming back,i guess we just have to make sure we keep an eye on the store now.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Red sox
For whatever reason thus far it seems like someone somewhere is answering the Red sox,s prayers ,they are turning out to be the comeback kings,they have one more game left to truly become the thorn in the side of all baseball teams that happen to meet them in the postseason because if they pull this one of again,no baseball team in the post season will ever be safe again as long as the Red sox are in it,to all intents and purposes it seems like they came out of that curse with a vengeance.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffet has decided he is going to invest in US stocks for the long term,as written in the New york times,per his motto 'be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy"well as far as i can tell this bodes well for the future of the stock market ,as i said before on this blog and on the one,s that buy now are the one,s that are going to reapmthe benefits of this downturn in the long run,thanks to WB for making me look good and best of luck to al those who follow his lead(which is usually the case anyway).
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
This i think is a moment of shameless self-promotion that i am going to idulge in,i was taking a look at my shopping and blogging website and thinking what a great looking website ,it,s rated no 1 on google what more could a guy ask for,whoever reads this take time out to visit i assure you it will be an enjoyable experience.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
For some random reason ,i chose title as the title of this post without remotely thinking of what i was going to write about but on reflection i delved into diffrent scenarios that might have something to do with titles and the first thing that came to mind were Bible titles,you know the part where it says let no man steal your crown,let no man steal your title,it,s obviously the same thing,ordinjarily if it were a title to do with something else,like.Wimbledon,test series,superbowl etc you would go into it assuming that someone else could possibly own the title but the one in the Bible,no one else can own it,but you yet someone else can prevent you from getting a title that is already yours by making you behave in a way that is contrary to you obtaining that title.I think it,s very interesting,my how thoughts travel when you just let it go.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Well thanksgiving is around the corner,it appears that stomachs are rumbling in anticipation,i can never seem to understand how people who spend 364 days a year eating can spend all those days salivating over one meal on one particular day,only to end up feeling stuffed and have to wait a whole year for the next one,Anyway i just wanted to say happy thanksgiving in advance,particularly to Wall street.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Stock market follies
It appears that we are still in the throes of the apparently neverending opera,that is the stock market follies.Does any one know how long the stock market has been in existence and why a few naysayers are behaving as if the whole thing is suddenly going to go belly up,i have said it before and i,ll say it again the stock market will rebound from this and the ones who will gain are the ones who bought up everything in sight whilst they were cheap.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
European bailouts
European bailouts on yomi11 makes very interesting and encouraging reading,i guess it must be true that when the going gets tough the tough get going.
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Monday, October 6, 2008
Dow travails
I wrote on yomi11blog that the stock markets always bounce back from crisis and they will once again,the simple fact is this is not so much about regulation or deregulation,it,s all about who owes money to whom and once all that ois sorted ot which inevitably it will be then everything will revert back to normal,so do away with the hysteria andget back to the business of doing business.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Blogger,s block(from yomi11)

Blogger,s block
This is one of those days when i get blogger,s block,i don,t know whether to blog about someone else,s topic or find a fresh one within the cobwebs of my mind,i often wonder how many bloggers out there get blogger,s block(blogging term for writer,s block,i think i might be the first to use it)it,s interesting how many nicely writen well thought out blogs you see out there,whilst the moments of torture before the whole thing came together remain hidden.Everyone has their own opinion,some would say it,s easier for a blogger who only has to elaborate on a news or magazine item,whilst it,s more difficult for someone who has to pick their own mind to find a topic,well as far as i am concerned,it,s all the same to me but for now i seem to have gotten past my blogger,s block.The thinking cub. Posted on Saturday, Oct 4, 2008, 03:41 PM (UTC -4)
This is one of those days when i get blogger,s block,i don,t know whether to blog about someone else,s topic or find a fresh one within the cobwebs of my mind,i often wonder how many bloggers out there get blogger,s block(blogging term for writer,s block,i think i might be the first to use it)it,s interesting how many nicely writen well thought out blogs you see out there,whilst the moments of torture before the whole thing came together remain hidden.Everyone has their own opinion,some would say it,s easier for a blogger who only has to elaborate on a news or magazine item,whilst it,s more difficult for someone who has to pick their own mind to find a topic,well as far as i am concerned,it,s all the same to me but for now i seem to have gotten past my blogger,s block.The thinking cub. Posted on Saturday, Oct 4, 2008, 03:41 PM (UTC -4)
Friday, October 3, 2008
Lens on Squidoo
Squidoo: The litte things
Today, October 03, 2008, 2 hours ago
The litte things updated Wed Oct 1 2008 3:23 am CDT
Wednesday, October 01, 2008, 5:23:43 AM
I distinctly remember placing sugar on the floor for the ants,for indeed from an early age i discovered that they were quite fond of sugar, a fact that escaped the attention of my cleanliness minded mother of which i am sure she would not have approved,I mention this as a matter of course of my awareness of the little things,this also comes with a burden of curiosity,not the least of which is a constant image of the male and female ant strolling into Noah,s ark,i can,t help but imagine them walking in just ahead of the elephants and wondering at the discrepancy in size and the enormity of control exercised by the elephants to refrain from stepping on them.Did i also mention that they9the elphants must have had extremely good eyesight.Here is one of the cornerstones of my fascination with the little things.
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Today, October 03, 2008, 2 hours ago
The litte things updated Wed Oct 1 2008 3:23 am CDT
Wednesday, October 01, 2008, 5:23:43 AM
I distinctly remember placing sugar on the floor for the ants,for indeed from an early age i discovered that they were quite fond of sugar, a fact that escaped the attention of my cleanliness minded mother of which i am sure she would not have approved,I mention this as a matter of course of my awareness of the little things,this also comes with a burden of curiosity,not the least of which is a constant image of the male and female ant strolling into Noah,s ark,i can,t help but imagine them walking in just ahead of the elephants and wondering at the discrepancy in size and the enormity of control exercised by the elephants to refrain from stepping on them.Did i also mention that they9the elphants must have had extremely good eyesight.Here is one of the cornerstones of my fascination with the little things.
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